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Your Guide to Super Bowl Gambling Games
Super Bowl LVIII Three-Part Series Your Guide to Super Bowl Gambling Games 10 Recipes or Grocery Grabs for Super Bowl Homegating Success...

51 Fun and Frugal Date Ideas That Won't Break the Bank!
Surprise your spouse on date night and be a hero husband Finding ways to spend quality time with your spouse doesn't have to drain your...

13 Romantic Comedies Husbands Can Tolerate
We wrote this post to save unknowing husbands from the nauseating experience of The Notebook, or any movie like it. Nevertheless – when...

21 Christmas and Holiday Movies for Men, Women, and Couples
Yes, that's me wearing the hockey jersey Clark Griswold wore from National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. Needless to say, I love...

5 research-based gift ideas that will be a hit
The science is clear . Spending money on others promotes happiness – for the giver. What is equally as important is that research has...

17 Weekend Relaxation Ideas for Busy Dual-Career Couples
Finding time to unwind and connect can be a challenge for dual-career couples. After a long week of balancing work, home, and countless...

3 Winning Date Night Ideas for a Happier Marriage
Date nights allow couples to reconnect and strengthen their bond outside of married life's daily routines and responsibilities. This post...

Turning Your Local Brewery Visit into a Fun Date
Updated: 10/18/24 A local brewery visit can make a unique and fun date. You can explore a variety of brews, many of which are unique to...

5 Fun Date Ideas (Adventures for Couples)
Updated post: 10/4/24; Original post: 6/11/22 Are you tired of the same old date nights? Pizza and a movie, going out to dinner or a bar...

5 Ways to Make Memories on a Budget
Updated post: 10/3/24 - Original post: 8/11/22 Do you remember that amazing road trip you took in college? What about the first time you...

128 Date Ideas for Married Couples
Date nights play a crucial role in maintaining a thriving marriage. They allow couples to connect, communicate, and enjoy each other's...

8 Frugal Ways to Have Fun with Friends
Original post: 9/25/22; Updated post: 8/17/24 We know from research that happiness is more often born by spending money on experience and...

Cheap Date Ideas for Married Couples
Are you tired of the same old dinner and a movie routine for your date nights? Are you Looking to add excitement and romance without...

Date Night Games for Married Couples: A Straightforward List
Married couples who make time to continue to date report being happier in their marriages. One delightful way to stay connected and...

5 Affordable Date Night Ideas for Married Couples
Dedicated date nights exemplify intentionality toward one another, a commitment to a happy marriage. Perhaps this is why going on date...

March Madness: 9 Fun Activity Ideas for Couples
There is no better time of year for basketball fans than March Madness. Some couples enjoy watching games together, while others need a...

The Man Chair Podcast
The Man Chair: Men's List Showdown Welcome to the Man Chair, where two guys debate their "best of lists" in sports, TV, movies, music,...

Know When to Give Love and When to Give Money This Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is right around the corner. It's the Superbowl for spouses. Believe it or not, there's actually a science to playing...

All Things Super Bowl
Table of Contents The Super Bowl Interactive Your Guide to Super Bowl Gambling Games 10 Recipes or Grocery Grabs for Super Bowl...

Celebrating National Marriage Week
National Marriage Week is observed annually from February 7th to February 14th. It offers a poignant reminder of the significance of...
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